We recently connected with Ruslan Kogan of Kogan Technologies, and are working together on their new Netbook launch. Ruslan is a hardcore technologist and entrepreneur, and runs the biggest online retail electronics site in Australia.
We're excited to work with Kogan, and share their vision of making cool products more accessible to people. Look for them soon at the Kogan website.
Read the Kogan blog post about their Netbook here
Read the Engadget article here
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
To Blog or to Tweet, that is the question.
Good OS just moved its more current updates to Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/goodos. Simple, right?
I'll continue to update this blog at the more important junctures of our company and products, which just so happens to be when there's a chance I'll have more than 140 characters of content to talk about.
Therefore, nothing has changed about this blog, and on top of nothing you'll get to have relatively more current status updates from our Twitter. So hurry up and follow us, we'll follow you too :-)
I'll continue to update this blog at the more important junctures of our company and products, which just so happens to be when there's a chance I'll have more than 140 characters of content to talk about.
Therefore, nothing has changed about this blog, and on top of nothing you'll get to have relatively more current status updates from our Twitter. So hurry up and follow us, we'll follow you too :-)
Monday, January 5, 2009
Good OS will be at CES 2009
We'll be demonstrating Cloud at CES running on different design wins.
For all the press, check us out at the Lunch@Piero's event.
See you in Las Vegas!
For all the press, check us out at the Lunch@Piero's event.
See you in Las Vegas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's Cloudy in LA
I'm at LAX, the Los Angeles airport, and using Cloud on my Acer Aspire One right now. I love Cloud :-)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Good article about living in the offline world

Sarah brought up a great point about the main drawback of Cloud being that we live in an offline world and also mentioning that technologies such as Google Gears and Adobe AIR are not totally mature in practice just yet (although we think it might be a matter of time, albeit a long time if ever).
Cloud addresses the offline world in 2 ways:
1) Bundling Windows PCs with Cloud. Windows is a reality for most people and their computer needs, and that the value of Cloud and of Windows is different and complementary. I have to admit, there are times I need my Adobe Photoshop to design something, or Apple iTunes to connect to my amazing iPod Touch, or open up Microsoft Office to view documents and presentations from other companies, so I can understand why people need Windows. Of course I use a Mac when I have to use applications, but regardless the need for offline and rich client applications is obvious!
2) Supporting Rich Client Applications. So Cloud supports offline applications as well, such as Office and NotePad like applications in terms of pure capability. In terms of design choice, however, we're happy to focus on the online world (after all, it's called Cloud) and leave the offline world to Windows. Sticking to what we're good at, and doing one thing well is important after all :-)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
gOS & Cloud: What's the difference?
When we first started the company, we had a single product: gOS. Last week, we introduced our second product called "Cloud."
I noticed that a few articles reviewing Cloud used screenshots of gOS, and might have assumed that gOS and Cloud were the same operating system, when in fact they are different operating systems. So what's the difference?
gOS boots a full desktop with full suite of rich client applications, such as Firefox, OpenOffice, Media Player, etc. The user sees a desktop and uses it as a desktop. When buying a computer, you could buy a computer with just gOS installed as the only operating system.
Cloud boots into a browser environment that's designed for faster access to web applications, such as Google Calendar, Documents, etc. The user sees a browser and uses it as a browser, with extra features that most browsers don't have such as "Powering Off" or "Switching to Windows." When buying a computer, you could buy a computer with Cloud and Windows installed together.
I noticed that a few articles reviewing Cloud used screenshots of gOS, and might have assumed that gOS and Cloud were the same operating system, when in fact they are different operating systems. So what's the difference?
gOS boots a full desktop with full suite of rich client applications, such as Firefox, OpenOffice, Media Player, etc. The user sees a desktop and uses it as a desktop. When buying a computer, you could buy a computer with just gOS installed as the only operating system.
Cloud boots into a browser environment that's designed for faster access to web applications, such as Google Calendar, Documents, etc. The user sees a browser and uses it as a browser, with extra features that most browsers don't have such as "Powering Off" or "Switching to Windows." When buying a computer, you could buy a computer with Cloud and Windows installed together.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cloud Articles
It's been five days since we announced Cloud and the response has been exciting!
Thanks for the feedback, ideas, suggestions, inquiries from everyone. We'll keep you updated on Cloud, especially as it gets closer to the official launch early next year. By the way, we'll also be at CES, which is in 1 month or so, so hope to see you there. If you're a company interested in partnering with us, especially if you'll be at CES, please email us at partner@thinkgos.com.
Partial List of News & Blog Articles
Thanks for the feedback, ideas, suggestions, inquiries from everyone. We'll keep you updated on Cloud, especially as it gets closer to the official launch early next year. By the way, we'll also be at CES, which is in 1 month or so, so hope to see you there. If you're a company interested in partnering with us, especially if you'll be at CES, please email us at partner@thinkgos.com.
Partial List of News & Blog Articles
- http://www.fool.com/investing/high-growth/2008/12/04/cloud-computing-descends.aspx
- http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/20081202/tc_pcworld/newosreachesfortheclouds
- http://jkkmobile.blogspot.com/2008/12/video-preview-gos-cloud.html
- http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/04/gos-cloud-instant-on-os-shown-on-video/
- http://www.pcworld.com/
businesscenter/article/154725/ netbooks_small_cheap_and_fast. html - http://blog.laptopmag.com/gos-cloud-a-netbook-operating-system-or-just-an-instant-on-environment
- http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/12/video-gos-cloud.html
- http://www.engadget.com/2008/
12/01/gos-cloud-instant-on-os- comes-to-gigabyte-touchscreen- netbooks/ - http://gizmodo.com/5100660/
good-os-launches-a-cloud+ centric-version-of-their- linux-os-calledcloud - http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/12/01/gos-cloud-from-zero-to-web-browser-in-just-a-few-seconds/
- http://www.eeepcnews.de/2008/12/02/netbook-world-summit-gos-cloud-vorgestellt/
- http://lifehacker.com/5100927/gos-cloud-brings-a-web+based-operating-system-to-your-browser
- http://startupmeme.com/chromes-potential-unleashed-via-gos-cloud-video/
- http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Njg4OQ
- http://www.osnews.com/story/20599/Good_OS_Announces_Cloud
- http://news.cnet.com/8301-
17939_109-10110716-2.html - http://crave.cnet.co.uk/
software/0,39029471,49300154, 00.htm - http://news.zdnet.co.uk/
software/0,1000000121, 39568427,00.htm - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/02/gos_cloud_netbook_os/
- http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/browsers/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=212201634&subSection=All+Stories
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/02/AR2008120201130.html
- http://storage.itproportal.com/articles/2008/12/04/gos-releases-free-barebone-cloud-operating-system/
- http://www.slashgear.com/good-
os-cloud-operating-system- introduced-0124725/ - http://www.desktoplinux.com/
news/NS2750645189.html - http://www.liliputing.com/2008/12/a-slightly-closer-look-at-the-gos-cloud.html
- http://www.liliputing.com/2008/12/gos-cloud-cloud-computing-based-os-for-netbooks.html
- http://www.liliputing.com/2008/12/hands-on-with-gos-cloud-video.html
- http://www.newmobilecomputing.
com/story/20599/Good_OS_ Announces_Cloud - http://www.bit-tech.net/news/
2008/12/02/gos-and-gigabyte- to-launch-cloud-netbook/1 - http://www.electronista.com/
articles/08/12/01/good.os. intros.cloud.os/ - http://www.dailytech.com/Good+OS+Enters+the+Cloud+With+Latest+OS/article13588.htm
- http://www.geek.com/articles/news/good-os-introduce-quick-boot-cloud-os-for-netbooks-2008123/
- http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Making-the-Browser-the-First-Stop-65348.html
- http://www.lifehacker.com.au/tips/2008/12/03/gos_cloud_brings_a_webbased_operating_system_to_your_browser-2.html
- http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3608.html
- http://www.cheaplaptops.org.uk/20081202/good-os-announce-cloud-a-new-os-for-09/
- http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/12/02/browser-replaces
- http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/12/02/gos-and-gigabyte-to-launch-cloud-netbook/1
- http://www.newmobilecomputing.com/story/20599/Good_OS_Announces_Cloud
- http://www.electronista.com/articles/08/12/01/good.os.intros.cloud.os/
- http://de.sys-con.com/node/763820
- http://www.twice.com/article/CA6618568.html
- http://www.bmighty.com/blog/main/archives/2008/12/cloud_operating.html
- http://www.itvoir.com/portal/boxx/modules/blogs/Blog-Detail.asp?BlogID=5506
- http://www.silicon.fr/fr/news/2008/12/03/gos_cloud___un_os_centre_sur_les_services_web
- http://www.toolinux.com/toolinux_information/logiciels/un_linux_minimaliste_pour_les_netbooks_gos_cloud_presente_a_paris_ar11489.html
- http://www.pcworld.fr/actualite/gos-cloud-le-systeme-d-exploitation-tout-online/20241/
- http://www.neteco.com/243460-gos-cloud-navigateur-systeme-exploitation.html
- http://www.theinquirer.fr/2008/12/02/le-navigateur-commence-a-remplacer-le-systeme-dexploitation.html
- http://www.generation-nt.com/gos-cloud-linux-netbook-os-actualite-196661.html
- http://www.netbooknews.it/video-gos-clouds/
- http://www.theinquirer.it/2008/12/04/gos-cloud-sul-web-in-pochi-secondi.html
- http://www.oneopensource.it/03/12/2008/gos-cloud-si-butta-sui-netbook-e-instant-on/
- http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0812/02/news043.html
- http://it.sohu.com/20081203/n260996421.shtml
- http://www.ossblog.it/post/4557/gos-cloud-un-%E2%80%9Cbrowser-operating-system%E2%80%9D-per-netbook
- http://www.theinquirer.de/2008/12/03/cloud-betriebssystem-fur-die-ara-des-internets.html
- http://www.zdnet.be/news.cfm?id=95410
- http://taiwan.cnet.com/crave/0,2000088746,20134768,00.htm
- http://news.digitaltrends.com/news-article/18568/cloud-os-runs-a-browser-that-s-it
- http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/Good-OS-Announces-Cloud-A/story.aspx?guid={8FE13B1A-CD0C-4E16-AE90-977D7FD8F8EC}
- http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2008/12/good_os_debuts_cloud.html
- http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS2750645189.html
- http://www.mobilecomputermag.co.uk/200812021108/gos-announces-cloud-an-internet-based-operating-system-for-netbooks.html
- http://technews.am/conversations/download-squad/gos_cloud_from_zero_to_web_browser_in_just_a_few_seconds
- http://laptoppimp.com/laptop-news/more-on-gos-cloud/
- http://www.techlemming.com/2008/12/01/gos-cloud-instant-on-os/
- http://www.laptopical.com/gos-cloud-loads-websites-on-netbooks-in-seconds-8020.html
- http://battellemedia.com/archives/004736.php
- http://www.trendygadget.com/2008/12/04/gos-cloud-browser-operating-system/
- http://www.techdigest.tv/2008/12/good_os_launche.html
- http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/?p=7600
- http://techlime.com/laptops-desktop-tablet-pc/gos-cloud-instant-on-os-shown
- http://www.sitepoint.com/
blogs/2008/12/02/googles- operating-system-arrives-but- not-from-google/
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